Client Profile Reports

Aging and Disability Services collects demographic data on all clients who participate in ADS funded programs. The Client Profile Report (CPR) is an annual aggregated demographic profile of all clients who received services in the calendar year (January 1-December 31).

Client Profile Report: 2023

Client Profile Report: 2022

Client Profile Report: 2021 

Client Profile Report: 2020 

Client Profile Report: 2019 

Client Profile Report: 2018 

Click on the headings below for more information. 

Data Source/Methodology

  • Service providers submit data monthly, and an annual Client Profile Report (CPR) of all clients served is compiled by ADS. Depending on the service area, providers record client demographic data in either an anonymized format or at the individual client level.
  • For some services or in some cases where client demographic information is not available, data may be recorded in aggregate. Data recorded in aggregate is reported in a separate table in the Client Profile Report, the Total Aggregate Non-Registered Client table.

Data Limitations

  • Significant changes were made to data systems and processes in 2021. Due to these changes, it is not recommended to compare 2018-2020 CPR data to CPR data from 2021 and later.
  • The Client Profile Report has the following limitations:
    > Data Duplication (client duplication within and across programs and service providers)
    > Data Coverage (some providers may not have submitted full year client data at the time of the creation of the report)
    > Data Validation (cannot validate data reported by service providers)
    > Data Entry (demographic data of clients is not always consistently reported across providers or data systems)
    > Data Collection (different data collection methods/systems may have been utilized by providers)