
◂  October 2019

Ducks in a Row


Wallingford Community Senior Center
4649 Sunnyside Ave N #140
Seattle, WA 98103


Free. Advance registration appreciated.


Rachel Coller
(206) 461-7825

Gather information and advice that you need to plan your end-of-life arrangements with experts from People’s Memorial Association and their partners. Go over legal and financial documents including estate planning, trusts, wills, probate, and more with an attorney from KHBB Law. Learn about Advance Directive for health, POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) forms, and the process of using the Death with Dignity law with a representative from End of Life Washington. Receive valuable information regarding funeral planning decisions including Disposition Authorization, Designated Agent, and more with a representative from People’s Memorial Association. No one should miss this excellent presentation that will help you get your ducks in a row!

Free. Advance registration appreciated.

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