
◂  June 2018

Memory Sunday
6/10/2018All Day


Several African American churches in Seattle




Karen Winston
flyer for Memory Sunday on June 10, 2018 at participating African American churches

Click on the image above to open a PDF flyer.

Memory Sunday—the second Sunday in June—is a designated Sunday within congregations serving African Americans that provides education on Alzheimer’s prevention, treatment, research studies, and caregiving.

Memory Sunday brings national and local attention to the tremendous burden that Alzheimer’s and other dementias are having on the African American community, utilizing the power and influence of the African American pulpit, to bring awareness, distribute facts, encourage participation in research studies, and support persons living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.

In 2018, participating churches include:

  • Emerald City 7th Day Adventist (801 25th Ave, Seattle 98122)
  • Emerald City Fellowship (7728 Rainier Ave S, Seattle 98118)
  • First AME Church (1522 14th Ave, Seattle 98122)
  • Mount Zion Baptist Church (1634 19th Ave, Seattle 98122)

For information about local Memory Sunday programs and resources, contact Karen Winston, Aging and Disability Services, Seattle Human Services Department ( or 206-684-0706).

For general information, visit

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