The ChangingAging Tour with Dr. Bill Thomas5/3/20172:30pm8:30pm
Seattle, WA 98101
The Age of Disruption Tour is a non-fiction theater experience barnstorming the country in a rock n’ roll tour bus to bring communities together around a new and highly disruptive understanding of aging. Join Dr. Bill Thomas and friends for a day of inspiration, music and education. The event includes Disrupt Dementia (2:30-4:30 p.m.), a performance designed for people living with dementia and their allies; Lobby Experience (4:30-5:30 p.m.), an interactive experience for your to connect and exchange ideas; and Life’s Most Dangerous Game (7:00-8:30 p.m.), Dr. Bill Thomas‘ signature “nonfiction” theatrical performance featuring original music, storytelling, poetry, and groundbreaking insights on aging and care. Featuring music guest Nate Silas Richardson.
For more information about the 2017 ChangingAging Tour, visit