
◂  May 2017

Older Americans Month
5/1/20175/31/2017All Day



The 2017 Older Americans Month logo features the theme "Age Out Loud" and an image depicting three individuals forming a heart and cheering. The colors are purple, green, and blue.Older Americans Month is an annual event dating back to 1963, when President John F. Kennedy designated May as Senior Citizens Month. It was later renamed Older Americans Month, honoring older Americans and celebrating their contributions to our communities and our nation. The Administration on Community Living (ACL) sets the theme for Older Americans Month. The 2017 theme is “Age Out Loud.” Here’s what the ACL says:

“This theme gives us an opportunity to shine a light on many important issues and trends. More than ever before, older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and engaging in their communities. They’re taking charge, striving for wellness, focusing on independence, and advocating for themselves and others. They expect to continue to live their lives to the fullest, and they’re insisting on changes that make that possible.  What it means to age has changed, and OAM 2017 is a perfect opportunity to recognize and celebrate what getting older looks like today.”

We encourage community-based organizations and businesses to plan Older Americans Month activities by hosting community activities and events that encourage active living and lifelong learning for older adults or that recognize the contributions that older adults make in your community. Whether you choose to host an event, publish an article, or engage others through social media, by focusing on older adults and important aging issues, you are making a positive impact in the lives of Americans of all ages. To promote Older Americans Month online in 2017, use the official hashtags #OAM17 and #AgeOutLoud. 

For national information, see the ACL’s Older Americans Month website. For local information, see the Older Americans Month section on our What We Do webpage.

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