◂ November 2022Age-Friendly Housing Forum: Where will Seattle's Older Adults Live?
Age-Friendly Housing Forum: Where will Seattle's Older Adults Live?11/2/202212pm4:30pm
Bertha Knight Landes Room at Seattle City Hall
600 4th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
Seattle, WA 98104
Join Age-Friendly Seattle, AARP Washington, and the Northwest Universal Design Council, and the Older Adults and Healthy Aging team at King County’s Department of Community and Human Services/Adult Service Division as we discuss the current housing challenges experienced by older adults, age-friendly home design, and efforts underway to ensure people have access to housing as they age.
Featuring national and local experts and leaders, this event will illuminate current barriers to age-friendly housing and discuss potential solutions to improve housing options for Seattle’s older adults.
The full agenda is available here.
Lunch is included.
Register for this free event at