
◂  August 2021

Public Hearing: Area Plan Update 2022–2023


Online event


Free but pre-registration required:


Aging and Disability Services

public hearing meeting flyerEvery four years, ADS and other Area Agencies on Aging throughout the U.S. develop an Area Plan that charts their course to address emerging needs and continue work to create an age-friendly community.  The current Area Plan for 2020–2023 describes the function of ADS, presents relevant demographic trends for King County, and outlines major goals and objectives for addressing trends, issues, and needs.

Area Agencies on Aging are also required to prepare a biennial Area Plan Update. While new goals and objectives may be developed for the update, existing goals and objectives are also re-examined and may be revised.

The preliminary draft update for 2022-2023 is available here through August 2. On August 2, we invite public comment at a virtual public hearing scheduled at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, August 2, in conjunction with the ADS Advisory Council’s Planning and Allocations Committee meeting.

To sign up for public comment, visit To send written comment, e-mail

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