
◂  February 2021

NAMI WA 2021 Lobby Week


Virtual event


Free but pre-registration required:


Katherine Seibel

Advocate With NAMI Washington During Their First-Ever Virtual Lobby Week

NAMI members and supporters are the most effective people to educate legislators about mental illness and the need to change our current “mental illness” system to a “mental health” system.

Join NAMI Washington members from across the state for virtual Lobby Week (taking the place of NAMI’s annual in-person lobby day in Olympia).  Lobby Week will include a week of opportunities to take action from virtual events to legislative appointments throughout the week of February 15th through the 19th.


Monday 2/15

9:00-10:30 a.m. – Welcome, Legislative Update, and Issues Brief

10:30-11 a.m. – BREAK

11 a.m.-12 p.m. – Presentation: Get to know the history of our State’s behavioral health systems

12-1 p.m. – Lawmaker Keynotes

1-3 p.m. – BREAK

3-4 p.m. – Informal Q&A group to answer any last questions on NAMI Smarts materials or legislative appointments

Some legislative appointments will be on Monday, depending on the lawmakers’ schedules, so stay tuned.

Tuesday 2/16

Engage with #MentalHealthIs campaign

Legislative appointments: after you register your affiliate leader will contact you with details and logistics for your appointments with your affiliate

Wednesday 2/17

12-1 p.m. – The WA State Legislature and Me: a Peer Panel

Legislative appointments: after you register your affiliate leader will contact you with details and logistics for your appointments with your affiliate

Thursday 2/18

Engage with ongoing social media campaigns – more information to come!

Legislative appointments: after you register your affiliate leader will contact you with details and logistics for your appointments with your affiliate

Friday 2/19

12-1 p.m. – Debrief from legislative appointments and connect with members to celebrate our advocacy efforts in the face of challenging times!

Legislative appointments: after you register your affiliate leader will contact you with details and logistics for your appointments with your affiliate

Legislative Appointments

  • Legislative appointments are meetings with your state lawmakers and/or their staff alongside other NAMI members and supporters in your legislative district. The NAMI Washington state office works with your local NAMI Washington affiliate offices to schedule appointments with your lawmakers so you can speak on what matters most to you.
  • Legislative appointments will be made throughout the week of February 15th until the 19th. Your local affiliate lead will follow up with you via email on the time and details of your legislative appointment after you register.

When you register for Lobby Week, make sure you know which legislative district you live in so that NAMI can make the right lawmaker meeting for you. If you need help finding your legislative district, click here.

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