New Funding Opportunities from the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy

King County’s Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) promotes healthy living, financial stability, social engagement, housing stability, and service system access for veterans, seniors and vulnerable populations. The VSHSL Implementation Plan guides levy investments from 2019 through 2023. Funding opportunities in March 2020 are listed below:
Countywide information and referral service
The King County Department of Community and Human Services is now accepting applications for one entity to help King County residents in accessing needed assistance by providing a centralized information and referral service. Funding and guidance are provided by the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) and the VSHSL Implementation Plan.
Successful applicants will help veterans, servicemembers, or their family members; older people or their caregivers; or a member of a vulnerable population connect to services that are available in King County or to lead a consortia of agencies that will plan for and assist in the development of a King County Community Information Exchange.
Available funding: Up to $1,408,347 in VSHSL funds. Investment period: May 1, 2020–December 31, 2023 (subject to change). Questions? Contact Traci Adair at
Applications due: Monday, March 16, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. Apply Now
Caregiver community building for caregivers of persons with disabilities
Successful applicants will provide programming to support community building for caregivers of persons with disabilities by addressing the following: community building activities, transportation, and accessibility needs. This funding is designed to allow applicants to identify what opportunities for community building are needed and encourages creative and broad solutions that meet the self-identified needs of caregivers and persons with disabilities. This funding is open to and encourages supports for persons with disabilities of all kinds.
Applications due: Monday, March 9, 2020. Apply Now
Vets engaged
Successful applicants will provide community-building activities or events that provide opportunities for veterans and their families to socialize with one another and with others.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Apply Now
Visit for the latest information on funding opportunities, community planning sessions and announcements, and sign up for the VSHSL newsletter.
This article originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of AgeWise King County.