ADS issues 2019 Older Adult Community Transportation RFP
The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD)/Aging and Disability Services division has released an Older Adult Community Transportation Request for Proposal (RFP) that will fund food access transportation and health services transportation throughout King County. This RFP seeks applications from agencies interested in providing community transportation services for older adults (age 60+) in King County.
HSD invests in community transportation to improve the mobility of older people in King County. This enables those who would otherwise be socially isolated to maintain access to activities and services that allow them to maintain their health and age in place. Community transportation services play a critical role in closing transportation gaps and supporting health equity.
Funding is available in two program areas:
- Health Services Transportation enables older people to access healthcare by providing trips to medical, dental, and other essential appointments. Health-related trips are also eligible. Health Services Transportation prioritizes clients with the greatest social and emotional need, particularly those individuals with no other way to access healthcare and health-related services.
- Food Access Transportation enables older adults to access healthy food in the setting of their choice. Food Access Transportation supports HSD-funded congregate meal programs by providing older adults with the opportunity to participate in these programs without transportation barriers. Other eligible trips include trips to food banks, farmer’s markets, and grocery stores, including sites that participate in SNAP, Fresh Bucks and/or the Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program.
Approximately $711,500 is available through this RFP. Fund sources are the federal Older Americans Act Title III-B and the Washington State Senior Citizens Services Act.
HSD intends to fund up to four proposals. Initial awards will be made for the period of July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020. While it is the City’s intention to renew agreements resulting from this funding opportunity on an annual basis through the 2022–2023 program year, future funding will be contingent upon performance and funding availability. HSD seeks to contract with a diverse group of providers to help ensure that the investment results in more stable health for all older adults and greater ability to age in place.
Agencies interested in learning more about this funding opportunity are encouraged to attend the information session on Thursday, January 24, 2019 (1:30–3:30 p.m.) at Renton Community Center, Meeting Room B (1715 Maple Valley Hwy, Renton, WA 98057).
Help sessions for technical assistance will be available by appointment on Monday, February 4, 2019 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (location to be determined). To schedule, e-mail ADS planner Jon Morrison Winters.
The application submission deadline for this funding opportunity is Wednesday, February 20, 2019 by 4 p.m. More information about this funding opportunity can be found on HSD’s Funding Opportunities webpage. Questions can be e-mailed to Jon Morrison Winters.