Aging and Disability Services Invests in Legal Services for Older Adults

Following the completion of a Request for Qualification process, Aging and Disability Services is pleased to announce an investment of $191,232 to Columbia Legal Services for legal services for older adults in King County.
Legal Services is a required program under the Older Americans Act. Legal services enable older people to secure rights, benefits and entitlements under federal, state, and local laws. It also seeks to effect favorable changes in laws and regulations that affect older people and strives to maintain public and private resources that benefit low-income older people.
In February 2018, Aging and Disability Services released its Legal Services RFQ to understand entities that would be qualified and interested in providing the full scope of the Legal Services activities. Columbia Legal Services was the sole qualified applicant.
Columbia Legal Services is the current provider of this service and has demonstrated a commitment to protecting essential rights and benefits of older adults. They work closely with Aging and Disability Services, our community partners, and other legal organizations to promote an understanding of current and emerging elder rights issues.
The contract period for Legal Services is from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Questions about the 2018 Legal Services RFQ can be directed to Allison Boll at