Geriatric Workforce Enhancement: A Year in Review

When Aging and Disability Services (ADS) first announced our clinical-community partnership with the Northwest Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Center (NWGWEC), we could not know how successful it would be and how much we all would learn.
What’s been happening
Since our update in April 2016, ADS worked with the Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington to develop a practicum experience for healthcare trainees, residents, and fellows. Geriatric Medicine Fellows rotating throughout King County’s aging network have participated in listening sessions with Sound Generations advocates, observed care consultants at the Alzheimer’s Association, rode along on meal deliveries with Lifelong’s Chicken Soup Brigade, and accompanied Seattle Housing Authority case managers on client visits.
Healthcare providers and trainees have also learned about community-based programs during remote case consultations in Project ECHO—Geriatrics. Area Agency on Aging (AAA) representation on the interdisciplinary panel has ensured that programs such as Living Well with Chronic Conditions, PEARLS, Family Caregiver Support, and A Matter of Balance are included in care planning.