
◂  May 2019

Forum: How to Plan an Accessible Event

Published by: aaron


Bertha Knight Landes Room, Seattle City Hall
600 4th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104




Northwest Universal Design Council

Click on the flyer above to go to the Northwest Universal Design Council’s webpage, where the most current event information is posted.

The Northwest Universal Design Council and community partners invite you to a forum focused on planning events that are welcoming and inclusive to all ages and all abilities. Learn how communications, logistics, and programs can be more effective in drawing people of all ages and abilities, and get information about accommodations and other resources.

View a new City of Seattle training video called “Serving People with Disabilities—A Customer Perspective” (9 minutes).

For complete information, including accessibility and accommodations, click here.

To RSVP on Survey Monkey, click here.


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