
◂  January 2018

The China Challenge


Anderson Hall
900 University Street
Seattle, WA




China’s 5,000+ years of history is the foundation of a culture and society that, for the West, defines
the concept of “foreign.” Yet the 21st century, social media, international travel, and wealth have
thrown China into the globalized world. Can we accommodate each other or are we destined to fight?
And what about North Korea?

We are delighted to welcome Peter Herford back to Horizon House to continue sharing his knowledge
and perspectives on modern China. During his more than a decade there, he taught Journalism
at Shantou University. He returns often, maintaining relationships and a journalist’s curiosity about
China’s place in the world. Peter’s assignments included Bureau Chief in Vietnam during the war,
world pool producer for Apollo 11 man’s first flight to the moon, CBS News producer covering the
1968 Presidential campaign of “the new Nixon,” as well as a variety of stories for 60 Minutes. More
recently, he worked with independent journalists in the last years of the post-war dictatorship in
Croatia and the creation of Portugal’s first all-news cable channel.

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