2018 Community Input Survey Now Underway

Updated 7/25/18
Aging and Disability Services—the Area Agency on Aging for Seattle and King County—would like your help getting the word out about a brief community survey. The information we receive will help with development of our next four-year Area Plan as well as planning and marketing of Community Living Connections, caregiver support, and transportation services.
Please help us reach people we’ve never reached before—in other words, not just current clients but a broad range of Seattle-King County residents age 18 and older with a broad range of backgrounds. We would like responses from all parts of the county—urban, suburban, and rural, north and south, east and west. We’d like to hear from people who represent a wide array of races and ethnicities. We hope that caregivers will respond, and anyone who is wondering whether community services will be available for themselves someday. We particularly want to hear from people who live on low to moderate incomes who cannot afford private-pay services.
In other words, take the survey. Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to take the survey. We want as many voices represented as possible.
Here’s the link to the online survey in English: surveymonkey.com/r/V5WKDF8
The survey is also available in print in the following languages: Amharic | Chinese (traditional) | Chinese (simplified) | Korean | Oromo | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya | Vietnamese
To download and print a large-print English language survey, click here.
Print surveys can be returned by mail, fax, or (if scanned) e-mail:
ADS 2018 Survey
Seattle Human Services Department
PO Box 34215
Seattle, WA 98124-4215
Fax 206-684-0152
E-mail aginginfo@seattle.gov
Please complete surveys by July 31, 2018.